Why do so many of us not feel “Connected?” When your heart tells you to follow your “Bliss,” why is there no one around to support you? For thousands of years, humans lived in a Tribe which was much more than a family. Every daily activity was performed for and with other members of the tribe. For survival, all tribe members looked out for each other. For the educational and spiritual development other members offered support and, when needed, guidance. In today’s “modern” world, we are much more “on our own” to figure things out. There are churches and religions but many seem lacking in actually being able to support the individual’s spiritual search, though indoctrination is often well cared for…
When you had your questions regarding the meaning or purpose of life, where did you turn and what was the outcome? When you wanted to know what your ancestors believed about the transition from life to death, what information did you receive and did you find resonance? When you looked for the Divine Spirit within you, what did you find and what support helped you find guidance and direction?
Where can you find your “Tribe?” Where are the non-judgemental people who lovingly support your quest and help you to overcome the spiritual challenges we all must face? These are not easy or simple questions. So many of us feel isolated even in our families, at work or school, and certainly from the society which worships youth, so long as they are good consumers… It is difficult to question the artificial standards that are laid out for us, and, these seem to have no roots and so are ever changing.
It is often difficult to see and feel the wisdom which bind us all together when our culture rallies us to “be different” and polarized in our individuality. Our history and our genetic code actually says we have more in common than we do not. Our souls and spirits are connected to the same Divine Spirit, even though many religions survive by beliefs of separation and unnecessary judgements. Now, more than ever before, we need to pull together and release the judgements which separate us from all consciousness and life itself.
It does not feel “right,” “healthy,” or “satisfying” to find the differences and judge when we, ourselves, lack perfection and “pure” consciousness. It feels better to serve with love and caring rather than to lash out from fear and with hate. It feels better to reach out and steady the pilgrim beside you as you walk the path through life. It feels good to simply smile or find a simple way to acknowledge the efforts of another seeker. We are ALL in this together. It is a blessing to know that your are not alone and that there are other supportive people who can support your search.
The world is getting too small to ignore other cultures. Though it may seem daunting, the time is right to look to build healthy supportive tribes. If you have not found your tribe, make it your intention to connect and use whatever technologies you have to find, and then bring, the supportive people you may require to build your consciousness and to expand your remembering of the deepest wisdom within as you better connect with the source of Divine Spirit.
Blessings on your path.
AND, go out and do good in the world!
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