Wednesday, February 1, 2017


If you have followed the recent blogs, the theme of the importance of quality connections has been a topic of several recent blogs. The question came up regarding how can you begin to use this information in a practical way. How can you incorporate the building of connections into your daily life? A simple but powerful practice is listed below.
The first and most obvious part of this practice is to set your intention to create connections. Be aware of the possibilities which commonly arise in your day to day life. We are never alone. We are all in this cosmic universe together. Our souls are all connected. Every soul is perfect and unique, like snowflakes. We are all here for different reasons and to learn our special lessons. We are here to support each soul which dances into your life (our current incarnation.) Yes, even the manifestations which trigger your judgement, fear, anger, or frustration. Perhaps, especially these more challenging encounters. These are here for a reason! Your interactions and your lessons come from your attempts to deal with each of these encounters, no matter how subtle, brief, or distracted by your other points of focus. But, if you have the intention to create and honor your connections, even if incidental, these will have value, at some level, for your life experience.
The second part of the practice can be as simple as making eye contact. This sounds simple but a conscious, soul enhancing contact includes more… Perhaps you can engage those eyes for a moment and find yourself led to a deeper understanding, and acceptance, of the soul behind the eyes. Maybe there are those moments when you connect with this soul behind the eyes and look to find the perfection of the spirit. Easier said than done, you may avoid, or limit, your ego’s judgement and know that you share a “oneness” with this spirit. You may even find that “They” are you in different form. Appreciate that this soul has found your gaze for a reason and is here to support you on some level to learn your lessons. Know, also, also you are here for this person and their soul development. Maybe you are the shining role model of unconditional love and acceptance. (Your ego will never know or understand the deepest levels of this exchange.)
In the moment of gazing into those eyes, your conscious self can find many things. Are those eyes and full of joyful energy? Are those eyes sad and flickering with the pain from current travails? Are those eyes dark and seemingly dead like black holes with little or no energy escaping? Are those eyes “impish” or playful? Are they inquisitive and asking questions in the pursuit of wisdom? Are those eyes judgmental like a young soul who is still locked in fear and ego? Much can be experienced from connecting with the feelings of a story behind those eyes.
Now, hold that connection through your eyes and when you see the perfect spirit in front of you, welcome them into your consciousness as if your were greeting the most innocent beautiful child into your family. If your heart melts with joy and love, then you have reached a special level where the both of you can feed off the healing energy of acceptance and love.
Finally, acknowledge this being of light with a sincere and joy filled smile. It is a blessing to warm their consciousness with this simple gesture. Your sincerity can shine through and help to build connections with all of the souls in the divine. Your acknowledgement serves to demonstrate the positive role that this encounter has had upon your life.
Do not take this too lightly, for eye connections and the warmth of your smile sets positive energy into motion and can start ripples and waves of joy across, and then beyond, our universe.
When you can be conscious, celebrate and so cherish every connection, every soul with the blessing of your radiant smile.
The concept of Namaste is a manifestation which can come from this practice… (Not just a wish or a thought but an action…)
When it is time for you to seek conscious support from a community of fellow “seekers” please consider our non-religious spiritual community, the Masters of the Journey.


In this blog I am drawn to writing about our innate need for connections. We are NOT solitary beings. Often times in our modern world, our connections are lacking. Lacking in depth, in emotional value, in the support which is required, and in the basic instinctual desire to know that we are all “one” and part of a much greater Divine. So two perspectives.
First, we were born into this world as helpless, dependent beings. There is no chance to survive without basic nurturing care. We can not feed ourselves. We can not bathe ourselves. We have parents who love us and take good care of us, if we are lucky, or we survive an existence with emotional and maybe physical scars. We learn from the people around us and the environment that we are born into. We do better when we are loved and we do not thrive when love is lacking. (I have read research conducted on children raised in an Eastern European, sterile, orphanage where the babies/children were fed and changed but not held or loved. These children grew up deprived and with serious physical and emotional challenges, different from children who were held and loved.)
We can not thrive without love and connection as an infant. This does NOT disappear as we age. Most people require human interaction, to varying degrees, and the “connections” that go along with these relationships. We continue to learn and gain perspective by communicating with other people and lifeforms (pets, plants, nature.) People often strive for “Deeper Connections” and more intimate relationships. We do not thrive when we feel alone or lonely or separated from the nurturing of friends and family, our “tribe.”
But in our culture, in our modern world, we are often separated by technology and “Judgements” from the people we live around and work around. Have you ever seen people out to dinner with both people on their smart phones, texting, or checking social media, or posting pictures of their meal?… What is this really about? We are not encouraged to put down our technology and be truly “present” with our partner. Many of us have lost the basic skills of verbal and non-verbal communication that were so essential when we were in tribes (and family groups) where our survival was based on interaction and support from the group. Do not get me wrong, I do not want to go back to live in a primitive, life and death struggle to survive but we have lost some of our fundamental skills (and are paying the price.)
Today, we may want to join a community to find human contact. Maybe we wear jerseys of our favorite sports franchise and root for them on Sunday with other fans. Or, we think about going to a “MeetUp” group to hang out with people of similar interests. Or, we go on a “dating” website to find a perfect partner. (Though we still have to meet and do the “Mating Dance” which includes communication and hopefully honesty…) This pursuit is desperate, often unfulfilling, and generally superficial. If so, then it does not satisfy the need to connect deeply. (Our egos and our judgements of the mind are constantly comparing and keeping us separate from other people who are searching for the emotional and spiritual exchanges which form the best connections.)
Secondly, our most important purpose is to support and assist the people we meet on our path through life. Most people floating around unhappily, or at least unsatisfied, are people thinking that their success is defined by how much money they have, or how many toys they have acquired, or how many trips they have taken, or how many MeetUp groups they have joined (but not attended.) People, today, feel that the number of friends they have and how many people respond to their social media posts (about themselves) are important and valued as levels of success. Maybe, it is NOT about “me.”
Think back when you did something “good” for someone else. It probably allowed you to feel good and connected. Get out of your head and back into your heart. Feel good by doing good things for other people! If you want to be loved, you have to go out and give love, unconditionally. If you are giving anything with an expectation that it comes back, then you will be disappointed.
Connections with value are based upon people caring, truly caring, about others and finding the best ways (you can) to support and assist these other souls on their journey. Even the simplest smile or kind word can show the love and respect for the person in front of you who “showed up” to have a place in your world (and your journey.) Yes, you need to work and support yourself, but you can do so with the feeling of loving acceptance for the other pilgrims in life whom you meet along the way. (Easier said than done, but work on this.) Your happiness and joy will come more frequently when you realize that we are “ONE” with all lifeforms and in this life together to grow, to learn from our challenges, and to love the connections which we can create.
Connections, healthy connections, are the most important thing to work on. Your success in life comes not from how much money is in the bank but how many people call you a friend.
Namaste. Your are a Master and it is a great blessing to find these few moments to connect with you. Your sharing of your time and attention as a “witness” is a blessing… Know that you have done good in our world just by being you, even with imperfections and flaws…
Masters of the Journey is a community that supports everyone who are on their path through life and would like to find supportive, hopefully, non-judgemental connections.


Free Choice … Free Will…???
I was on the phone with Rodger, my Colorado Guru friend, this morning and we were discussing an upcoming Masters of the Journey program which is focused on “Enhancing Life by Knowing Death.” Another friend who has wisdom and who has experience is presenting his story of his NDE (Near Death Experience) of 4 years ago, will be the center of focus at this meeting. His name is Don. In preparation for this meeting, Don shared with me that he was very conscious of being in both realms (life & death) as he lay unconscious in the hospital as medical folks fought to keep him alive. His description of the “other” realm (in my words of interpretation) was that it was supremely peaceful, warmed with unconditional love and acceptance, free of the pains and limitations of the “body,” and surrounded by the wisdom of the divine. Rodger’s question to me was, “did he have Free Will to Choose whether to return to his “Meatsuit” (body) or was he forced to return?” Free Will/Free Choice… why would he return???
When you stop and think about it, why would anyone want to return? Why would they choose to come back into a damaged body, rehab, and continue with the struggles of living in human form? Great question!
From my experience, I say, we do have “Free Choice” on whether to return to our “lives.” We do have a choice to stay in heaven with the freedom and love, and the acceptance AND we choose to return. But why?
We still have more lessons… We have more to learn…
But, perhaps most importantly, we have sharing of our “story.” We have the service of assisting other souls! We have a reason for touching other people’s lives both for “Their” learning and for “our” continued learning. We are all in this together and sharing our wisdom gained from life experience IS OUR Purpose in this life!
We do not have to have a NDE to share the wisdom of living in our human forms. We are ALL Masters! There are so many ways to serve and service to other pilgrims is our reason for living!
We have “Free Will” and we “know” that we are here to serve. Our “Free Choice” comes with the “Knowing” that we are here to assist other souls to “Remember” their Divinity AND why they are here! It is not so difficult to choose to return to our lives and our mortal bodies because the Divinity awaits us and our purpose is to reach around and touch other lives in the most positive ways.
Consider living without our fear and anxiety regarding dying AND make the most out of your opportunity to Love, Find & Share Joy, and look for the “Perfection” in every soul you encounter. (The challenge comes from the characters who are placed in our lives to “Stir things up” and teach us the challenging lessons…)
Blessings to you on Your Path! Namaste and I hope that I can experience the Divine Perfection YOU Are!
Masters of the Journey is a community of support and resources for all contributors – all Masters (Like YOU!)
Find us at or on Facebook at


We are a week into the New Year. 2017 is going to be a “Barn Burner” of a year. It is a start to a new 9 year cycle. The arbitrary date on the calendar says a new cycle – a new year – begins. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere we have made it through the shortest day of the yearly cycle and are now, slowly, heading back into the “light.” The ritual of the New Year can be a time of reflection, to take stock of our lives and of our lessons to determine how far along we are. How far have we come and how far we must still travel in this pilgrimage through this life?
Some of us make “New Years Resolutions” which, by their nature, are designed to be disregarded almost as quickly as they are declared. However, the awareness of your progress and the affirmation of what still needs to be done (or experienced) has great relevance! What still needs to be done can become the “focus” and the direction which points the way to your travels through this life. Running in Circles does not serve us, in the long run. Steering out into the current, to move us down stream through the rapids and experiencing the eddies we must encounter, and transcend, is our life’s path. (In case you are unclear, we are all souls traveling in the “River of Life” and we are all “One” with our fellow souls….)
It is worth remembering… You are NOT alone! You have support. You are a blessing! You are an important part of the whole of divinity!
Your purpose is to Grow in Wisdom & Joy! As a Master, your purpose includes sharing and connecting with other pilgrims because we must all work to get THERE (higher consciousness, Heaven, Grace, the Divine) Together! (We are in Human Form to “Communicate” our lessons and to Serve!)
Blessings to You on the journey… Take one step at a time and focus upward on the path before you.
Namaste… (The Perfect Divine Spirit in me Sees, Knows, and Loves the Perfect Divine Spirit in YOU!)
(And, this is MY lesson in this life… Not an uncommon one, we share.)
Consider sharing your Mastery and wisdom with the community: Masters of the Journey!


Happy New Year: 2017 OR Any New Year
I am preparing for the start of the New Year. There have been massive shifts and changes in this past year and the dawn of this new year will bring an increased need for vigilance, acceptance, and action in form of sharing LOVE to confront the “Dark Forces.”
First let me say: You Are a Blessing! Yes, you are an important part of a much greater Universe and YOUR Divine Spirit plays a pivotal role. You may not believe this because your ego and mind have created limits in your thinking but your soul/spirit are a cornerstone to all divinity!
Second: YOU are a Master! You live with the challenges of survival in your current “Meat-suit” (life) and YOU have wisdom (from life experience) to share. You can serve all consciousness by telling your story! Your struggles are lessons for all of us! Your challenges are part of OUR pilgrimage to higher consciousness! Even your pain is important as a tool for all of us to learn from in this “Human experience.”
Now with that said, what are you going do in this New Year? How are you going to share your story for the benefit of all? We are all in this together. We are all “One” in the Divine Universe. No one crosses the “Finish line” alone. We must all do this together.
Our Earth is at a cross-roads. Life, as we know it, may not survive much longer on this planet because humans have NOT learned from our own violent history as “Takers” and we have “soiled the nest” in ways that may be irreparable. Mankind may have to stop being, so our world can regenerate itself… This is the nature of life. This is neither “right” or “wrong,” it just is… Humans have not evolved fast enough to keep up with our new technologies. Just look back since the late 1970’s and early 1980’s to realize that we do not know how to live with an overpopulated world, with limited resources, and an internet communication that is so easily manipulated by small minded angry, immature people. Is this a “Judgement” or just a fact…??? (I am serious in asking this question!)
So, how can you make the very best out of the limited time we have on this Earth (World)? Suggestion: Look into the eyes of everyone you encounter and know that they are there for a reason. They are part of YOUR lesson. If you “like” them or if you are challenged to understand their perspective, then they are very important to your learning. Look into their eyes and find the “Divinity” and their perfection. Know that they are fellow seekers AND Masters! In your way, reach out and take their hands. Share unconditional love, no matter what your judgmental mind thinks! Perhaps you will remember that THEY are YOU! (They are struggling with their lessons just as you are with yours.)
This New Year offers you a new chance to begin a time of remembering your important role in ALL consciousness. I challenge you to move toward the “Light” and share your wisdom, more by example than in words, of the evolving spiritually awakened soul that you are, have been, and will continue to be.
Namaste and Blessings!
Masters of the Journey is a forum to connect with other seekers and to share your story. You can also discover resources which may enhance your search for remembering the Divinity within you. Or, you connect with other events and resources through our Facebook page at


Have you ever considered what it was like to be dead? We will all end our living by dying and then the mystery of what comes next becomes an activity that we will participate in. Some people consider that at death, we stop completely and there is nothing to look forward to. Some people believe that we travel to the “Pearly Gates,” get a few moments to reflect on our lives, and then head off to the “After Life” in Heaven or…. Some believe in “Re-incarnation” where we agree to return to Earth (or somewhere) in a new body for another “learning” in being human. Whatever your belief, the thought about what happens at the time of death has probably come up for you.
There have been many books written by people who have experienced a Near Death Experience (NDE), or who have worked with people who have moved through the ultimate transition, or who have researched the subject by reading (or conducting) interviews with people who have had NDE’s. In the 1970’s, Raymond Moody was one of the first people to come out with a book on research conducted with interviewing people who had NDE’s. I like Ken Ring who authored a series of books on this topic after even more interviews than Moody. Survivors like Eben Alexander wrote a wonderful book, Proof of Heaven, which is a well written account (by this Neurosurgeon scientist) of his own NDE where he was “clinically dead” for 7 days. There are many books, stories, movies, and other accounts through the history of man, even back to the ancient Greeks. But what can be learned from this research???
Many, maybe most, of the survivors of NDE’s come back to life with similar stories but, more notably, these people return with a different perspective on LIVING. Many report that the “after-life” or “heaven” is not a scary place. In fact, many resisted returning to their bodies and their lives because it felt so peaceful and accepting. Survivors report the feeling of unconditional love and support, full acceptance, freedom from the limitations of the body and space and time. Many report access to divine consciousness and wisdom not known in their human form. Most importantly, many return with the fear and anxiety commonly found in living, reduced because they do not fear dying. They report a different appreciation of “living in the light” and in a state of “Grace” over the way they may have chosen to live before. These stories are compelling. Whether you believe these reports or not, you can benefit from attempting to gain the “Feeling of this Grace” as you experience these stories.
Whether you get these stories first hand by speaking with someone who has had a NDE or read the accounts in the many books on this topic, it is important to try to remember your own Divine Spiritual experience and possibly bring the knowing of the State of Grace back with you to offer you perspective as you live out your remaining days.
My parents were role models with two very different approaches. My mother lived without fear of death and dying. She had adventures in life because she was not afraid to live… most fully. My father got fearful the older he got. He disliked change or traveling or eating new foods because he feared the adventures in life. I chose to be more like my mother and love the adventures, and accept the challenges that these might bring. You have a choice in how you want to live your life. You will have to come to grips with the experience of your last transition and, for many people, some consideration regarding dying adds interesting dimensions to how you live…
Our community of consciousness seekers, Masters of the Journey, offers connection to a community where topics like these are shared and resources offered to you. You may want to consider coming in person or engaging in one of our video conferences on a topic you may know about, and can offer your wisdom, or one where you can come and experience the wisdom and experiences from other people like you. This is NOT a religion but it is a way to connect to a supportive community.
Our Online Spiritual Community - Masters of the Journey


Are you into gift giving? Are you ready to discover the secret of an amazing gift idea? Even if you are excellent at picking out the “right” gift or you are an exceptional crafts-person who creates the most awesome artistic once-in-lifetime creations, you can learn how to make other people the happiest by learning the lesson of this blog. Now are you ready to listen???
Put your wallet away. Clean your crafts’ soot off your hands. Look lovingly and with grateful humility into your most cherished friend/relative’s eyes and say “Thank You” (from your heart) when they OFFER YOU their gift. The gift you receive could be expensive. It could inexpensive but all that they could afford. It could be the gift of a service rendered. It could be a gift of expressed love or care. YOU give the gift of receiving this special gift and allow them to feel the pleasure of YOUR appreciation. Yes, it is difficult for many of us to receive a gift! It can be difficult to be “Present” and accept the gesture without piling on your material expression of…. “giftiness” (made up word.)
Allow your gift presenter her special moment of loving appreciation and know the love in their thoughtfulness.
Especially, if you are sick or dying, allow your friends and loved ones to give generously of their love for you. Do not play the victim, just accept their assistance and make them a part of your challenging experience. They will remember these moments when they were able, and allowed, to perform a “mitzvah” (Jewish for: a good deed.)
If you have been the “Giver” and not allowed others the gift of giving to you, these receivers may feel guilty and in your debt. You feel good but they have not had the chance to even the score and, believe me, if they are good people, they do not want a one way gifting relationship. They want a chance to be there for you!
So remember the blessing of being open to receiving a heartfelt gesture. Embrace it with sincerity. Bask in the bright light they radiate in your appreciation of their efforts. AND, do not take any moment of kindness and generosity for granted.
Share love. Smile and acknowledge, without judgement, those who cross your path… We are all pilgrims on a journey toward consciousness and toward remembering the divine spirit which dwells in each of us.
Blessings to you!
Connecting with a community of people seeking to remember their divine… Masters of the Journey


This discussion has been going on for a long time. Do you have the burning need to be “Right” even with the possibility that you may create difficulties? May people will choose Happiness. The desire to be Happy outways the NEED to be Right. This does not mean that you can not “get your way” or sacrifice your beliefs and deeper values. It means that you do not ALWAYS have to get the “Last Word” in a disagreement. Gently make your point but do not demand that you are the Winner. (As I write this I realize that Winner and Whiner seems similar as they roll off my tongue…) You can have your “Beliefs” without Demanding full acceptance by everyone in the room, or even the world… (Because you ain’t gonna get that anyway…)
Judgements also get in the way! Relationships with deeply held “Judgements” are not often relationships that breed long term happiness. Judging other people, their words, their activities, their lifestyle, their beliefs, even their “Looks” can get in the way of deeper connections which can be beneficial, for perspective, if nothing else. Sitting in Judgement separates you. You may feel superior or “Right” but there is ALWAYS another point of view! Be careful when you Judge. At the very least, know when you are “Judging” another person so you can learn from your limitation. (Your limiting view of the world…)
To be Happy is to share your joy! Try to love unconditionally. Try to accept without qualification. For acceptance connects people and differing opinions in a way where there views can become tools for learning and growth. Be “Right” by finding the emotional, mental, and spiritual space to allow for differences.
This is NOT easy and requires compromise in the decision making process. BUT, being too polarized and too “Black and White” is a Judgement that will get in your way to finding deeper peace and a Happy Life.
Blessings and Namaste my Friend.
Masters of the Journey is a worldwide community which supports all people on their spiritual quest with the belief that we are all Masters with wisdom and experiences to share… Join us online or in person. Connect with our Non-religious community and share resources with our members.
Masters of the Journey Online Spiritual Community -


As I write this blog, the calendar tells me that the “Season of Giving” (2016 seasonal version) is upon us. This year the Season of Love and new beginnings seems a bit more challenging for many of us. The world (and the news media) has found ways to present more fears, more angst, more separation, and more anger than is usual of this time of year. Sure, for those of us in the Northern Latitudes, the days grow short, the weather has the chill of Winter, and the expectations of the Winter Solstice are upon us, but the cycle of life will continue its pattern…. Many of you are noticing the same challenges that I am feeling but that is NOT what this blog is about.
I was speaking with my sage friend, Rodger, this morning and he instructed me into a different, more positive, frame of reference. Rodger asked me, as I ask of you, to suspend my darker expectations, in fact, all my expectations. He suggested to be present and to look for the “GOOD” in all of the people I encounter. He asked me to share a sincere smile coming from an unconditionally loving space and to gently await a response. Sure, there may be a momentary judgement and mistrust of a positive, loving energy put freely out into the environment, but chances are this radiant smile will brighten the person whom you bestow it upon.
Go to the Mall. Yes, go to this silly, anxious place and look for the “Good” in people. Share a smile. Be present! See what is reflected. See what kind of chain reaction of positivity can be ignited. What have you to lose by trying to Love the Divine Spirit you may encounter? Along the way, bask in the pure energy of Love which the Universe does have at its core. Connect with the wonderment of the miracle of life and enjoy the lessons you have come to this life to experience. Find JOY! It may feel hidden and in disguise, but its warm, beauty, and light are available to know!
Blessings to you. Be present and share love! Our world needs this more than ever…
If all else fails you in this seasonal pursuit of joy consider reading more at the Masters of the Journey webpage. AND, go out and do good in the world! (Not just a seasonal request.)

Masters of the Journey Website and blog!


Millennials: a person reaching young adulthood around the year 2000; a Generation Y’er. Born from mid 1980’s and later. Generation X born from Mid-1960’s to Mid 1980.
These are the generations growing up in the “Information Age.” Often very tuned to technology and communication through Internet and Electronic Devices. Where generations prior played imaginary games and acted out roles like: “Cowboys and Indians” or “War-GI Joe’s” or Played with Dolls, these two more recent generations have Multi-channel Television, Graphic Movies, and Interactive Computer Based Gaming, Smartphone technology, and Internet Based Social Media which earlier generations did not have.
The “Gamers” play violent, realistic combat games which include dying over and over until they can learn from the game and move on into the next level, until the game is “Mastered.” To be a great “gamer” requires: concentration/focus, patience, persistence, competitiveness, and problem solving. This dedication, good hand- eye coordination (and quick reactions), and focused time, allows for long term success. Gamers are used to dying over and over again until they learn the lesson and move on in the game. They are rewarded for their dedication and successes. Frequently, these “Gamers” often lack social skills because time is spent with games and not real world interactions. Real world interaction has become abbreviated in life to “Text Messaging,” “Tweets,” and responses to Facebook or other Social Media Postings.
BabyBoomers are having issues with the evolution into Social Media interactions. If BabyBoomers are chasing Spirituality, they often fear dying over and over again. Their mortality is closer at hand and so their focus is different than Millennials. But, Millennials practice Dying over and over…??? At least in their games… And, accept death as an opportunity to move on with their learning. With tongue in cheek I ask, are Millennials more spiritual and do they have much to offer the BabyBoomers???
Millennials can be more focused in the present when they are gaming… They do not mind dying… They concentrate… They are patience and dedicated to their learning… They do not speak but interact in very abbreviated ways… Are they from other Star Systems and Masters of inner Knowing? Time will tell…
Another trait common in the Millennial/Gen X culture is the use of an ancient spiritual ritual which is a test of endurance and faith. It is the process of tattooing and body piercing. Ancient civilizations created similar processes as a “right of passage” into both adulthood and for spirituality. Today’s culture wears their art and political orientation on their skin. Though seemingly superficial, this process requires commitment and “presence.” The discomfort one experiences as they move through the tattooing process is a learning opportunity and demonstrates their strong personal belief that “body art” is a form of expression which can be linked to awareness and changing consciousness. It creates a uniqueness which has been chosen and can become a lesson in spiritual development… Time will tell whether this generation and cultural “fashion statement” actually leads to a deeper level of awareness and consciousness. Though this cultural trend is relatively recent, in the coming decades it will allow for continued acceptance of living with these personal expressions created in our present time. (If nothing else, lessons in acceptance and taking responsibility for these conscious choices will be important experiences for these generations.)
The downside to the Millennials and Gen X’ers is their reduced need to socialize through face to face deeper interpersonal processing. Sure they gather for the party or the work function or the political action but do they gather as a “tribe” to share stories and learn from the generations which have gone before them? Do they respect the wisdom of experience and want to learn from the trial and errors of the other generations of spiritual seekers? Do they have the commitment or patience to learn through “subjective” emotional experience instead of the the video game visual feedback? Do they fully realize that they will be the leaders and role models for the future and must learn to reach backward to assist those who are the pilgrims who will follow them???
How will the experience and quest for spiritual growth be enhanced (at least sped up) by our Millennials and Gen X’ers? Time will tell but “apps” and “games” will possibly become part of the modern day process toward enlightenment. AND, we certainly need better and faster ways to achieve spiritual consciousness.
The Masters of the Journey community is searching for leaders from the the Millennial and Generation X generations to help build bridges to other wisdom seekers and to build much needed programs for consciousness development.
Check out our online Spiritual Community @


Have you ever heard that expression, “Count Your Blessings?” Why would someone say this to you? What is the purpose for looking for the “Positives” in the life you are here to live? For many people, it is easier to look for the problems and the negative interactions and perhaps even play a “Victim” to these challenges. But does looking for and living within the “negative” give you the joy that can be found in this world?
What do YOU give thanks for in the world? Even the most brutal lessons can be honored as important opportunities to learn from, even if the learning is what NOT to do. Personally, I have learned more from my mistakes and my painful relationships than I have learned from when my life was most easy and successful. The 8 years I lived with my wife’s terminal cancer I would not wish upon anyone and yet these were some of the most important years for learning in my life. The lessons of empathy and compassion were so valuable. The fear and the sharing within our many crisis’ was such a powerful tool for learning about the human dilemma. The closeness that we grew into, with the love at a level tested by trauma, was an amazing and important experience for me. AND, from all of this learning, I find that I have wisdom and gifts to share.
So, look for the difficult experiences as well as the joys when you look for the many blessings that YOU have been granted. Do not keep these a secret. Share them! Challenge others to appreciate being more fully “Present.” Bask in the drama that is your lessons of this life. Do not hesitate to reach out for other people. Allow them to support you AND reach out to share your love and support with them. Find compassion and caring. Find the perfection of the divine spirit within every soul you encounter, even the ones who trigger your fear, anger/frustration, and your defenses. Each encounter is there for a reason. Each encounter is there for your learning.
Blessings to you! Love and appreciate each moment and share your love and wisdom whenever you can.
If you are looking for support and resources to focus upon your spiritual growth and development, consider the Masters of the Journey community. YOU are a Blessing! You have a Purpose! The Universe would have a huge hole in it if you did not exist… With Love – Namaste!
Check us out online @


Do you like to travel? Why do YOU travel? Do you like to get away from your “normal” life? Do you like “Eco-travel” to see beautiful, exotic places on Earth? Do you like “adventure” travel, where you might be physically or emotionally tested by an exciting experience? Have you ever gone to amusement park to ride the rides, where some are scary or challenging? Do you like visiting different “period” parks like historical Western towns of yesterday? Or, do you travel to visit other cultures, eat different foods, speak different languages, and meet new and even different people? Finally, do you feel like travel broadens your view of the world and teaches you lessons which can be interesting enough to share with other people?
This lengthy series of questions exists for a reason. Take stock in the fact that most of us do travel (for our own reasons) and we tend to be exposed to new learnings along the way. Is this a “True” statement? I do not mean to disturb you with this blog, but I do mean to get you to think in a different way. Perhaps you will view your life and your travels differently after reading this blog.
There are now over 7 Billion people walking around on the Earth and countless other life-forms. In a spiritual sense, many people believe that we “choose” to be born into this life and we are “re-incarnated” to find physical form and to learn certain lessons. Consider that the over 7 Billion people and countless other life-forms are here for a reason and these souls have requested to participate in life on Earth as a visit to a primitive environment that is exciting and dangerous, like an amusement park. Why would an advanced soul ask to land on a planet which is doomed by its human inhabitants? A world where violence is tolerated and wars are ever present. Where humanity exists like a “B” rated fictional movie of hardships and occasionally has a surprise happy ending. Humans are “soiling” their nest to a level that can not sustain life as we know it. We, humans, are primitive in the ways we treat each other and the world we live in. We do not respect life, human or otherwise, especially women and our children. We are blinded by nationalism, racism, sexism, religious beliefs, and our own under-education. Our doctors are still treating cancer patients in primitive ways by hacking on their bodies and then poisoning them with chemo or radiation. We too often believe politicians who lie to get our votes and the media who uses our fear to hold our attention. We allow companies, whom are run by other HUMANS, to decide how we should use up our resources for the sake of their short term profits. We go to war for stupid reasons and innocent young people die early in their incarnations. We mask our pain with drugs and distract ourselves with silly, superficial technologies. We show no respect for our seniors and our wise elders.
Are the souls gathering on our planet to watch the “Train-wreck” of destruction and the “explosive climax” of our Earthly civilization? Do these souls want to be here to help change the program at the last moment, like a trick ending, or just to be here when the ship goes down? (It would make for a great story to say, “Hey, I was there when Humanity Imploded, like the old hotel-casinos on the Las Vegas strip…)
The Divine Spirit is much greater than what exists on our Earth. It includes all of the ever expanding Universe. Surely there are other planets or star systems with civilizations which are more highly evolved and watch our Earth as an Adventure Travel destination. “Yes, experience life on Earth before its gone,” are the words on the travel brochures… Our Human minds and egos will struggle with and want to deny the concept that we are actually primitive, lower life forms who are an interesting experience to have before remembering how Divine we really are, but the pain and denial of the Mind and the Ego do not change that fact…
Our purpose on Earth, in this incarnation, is to make the most out of difficult and challenging life. We are here to help each other to grow in consciousness and to work together to remember how that Love is at the core of this process. We need to not be depressed by the past or fear the future, but to live in the present moment and know the beauty of life. Live each moment of your adventure in Joy and the willingness to Know and Share Love! Your Travels in this incarnation are not just a vacation from your boring spirit lives, you are here to have an adventure, to try new things and maybe to fail, so you can learn what you came here to learn. Stay alert! Be aware! Love and accept each interaction as if God or Holy Spirit was sharing with you the lesson from the “Burning Bush” of the Bible stories. (I am NOT a bible person but I do have reverence for the advanced beings who help to guide us all.) When You bump up against STUPID people, know that they are here for a reason and YOUR judgement of separation from them suggests the lessons you are still in the process of learning! (We are all connected and in this together! We are all ONE in the Divine!)
The next exotic travel experience you might pursue may be to the “Higher Realms” where reality “Knows” that we are all “One” with no limitations of time or space. A place where we bask in Wisdom and Unconditional Love. You can choose to Remember to Live in Joy and radiate Love to all the Souls you encounter.
The Masters of the Journey can assist you with support and resources to enhance your growth and connection to spirit. Travel well. Remember the Divine within You!

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Have you ever felt “Guided” to do something or to make a decision at one of the cross-roads of life? Has that “Voice” in your head or heart shared a feeling or thought with your conscious mind? Have you ever “Remembered” something that you had not ever known at a conscious level? If you have read my past blogs, I have made reference to times in my life where I was blessed with a “Knowing” or Feeling or Thought which offered a chance to move in a direction, in my life, which I “needed” to take because the lesson or opportunity was so important for me to experience. This has happened over and over for me AND it has always worked out for me & my learning. (Even though some of these learning experiences have been laced with pain or difficult challenges.)
Not long ago I visited a professional psychic/medium who gave me great insight into things that I already “Knew” deep inside. It was reassuring and from a perspective that I needed at the time. This professional psychic was a person who was highly respected and referred to me by someone I know and trust. It was a spectacular experience. As a part of this session, she introduced me to one of my “spirit guides” who I did not already “know” at a conscious level. I liked meeting this new “Guide.” My new Guide offered me support and insight which was very useful and needed at that time. One of the best things for me about “Guides” is that they seem to be more directly plugged in the “Divine Spirit.” They seem to have authority and are hanging around to serve me, to guide me. I have learned to trust and love this “external” Guidance and recommend that other people learn to pay attention so they might benefit from listening or feeling or remembering these messages.
Where I am going with this blog, it is not as simple as to just look for and learn from external Guidance, it is actually about the true source of this guidance. This past week, I was at my study group for the book, The Way of Mastery, at the local Bellingham Unity Center. This book has a lot of words and some very interesting concepts. I believe that the source of this book is a channelled monolog from the Ascended Master, Jesus. (I am not Christian or a church goer so this was difficult for me to come to grips with…) A passage was read that changed the way I look at “Guidance.” The prelude to this passage discussed taking responsibility for your/my life. The good and the challenging events and experiences are MY creation and are available to me for MY lessons in this life. I know this. I even try to accept responsibility and live my life without blaming other people or situations… (You know….) Well, the dictation that was read to this group, and turned a light on in me, was a passage saying that what we assume as external guidance is not external. It springs from a deeper part of you. And, if you follow your guidance or learn from the insight provided to you, you can benefit from taking responsibility and honoring the wisdom of the Master that lives within your soul and spirit. Your soul and spirit are connected to the Divine Spirit with all the wisdom which the “Divine” shares with all souls.
My lesson, and this sharing, suggests that we do not find “external” guides or sources but we can benefit from looking within to a “Remembering” of our own Mastery and connection to Divine Wisdom. It is easier for us to blame or even trust an external guidance that triggers us to move down a certain path to achieve a certain life lesson. It is easier for many of us to look externally because we do not think that we (YOU) are worthy of knowing this wisdom, internally. But perhaps, if what I have recently learned is true, we must honor that the answers are within and we are more powerful and connected than we may have consciously realized. Now, get your ego out of the way because it it is NOT the “separate YOU” that is powerful but the connected to the “Source YOU.”
You are a Master! You are in the process of “Remembering” your Divinity and the “Oneness” which connects you all souls as part of the “Divine.” Bless you and your perfection! Your purpose in this life is to serve other people you bump into with a message of consciousness, by role modeling your Divine Light. Know or Remember that the Guidance you experience is coming from that deepest wellspring of the wisdom you have as connected being. Learn to listen to your intuition by clearing away the conscious distraction of the ego mind through meditation. Clean this mirror for the most accurate reflection of the message you are to receive, and here in this life, to share.
If you can benefit from support or resources consider your local Unity Center or the community we are building known as The Masters of the Journey: A Transformational Community. Namaste
Feedback: John, it can be both. Your Higher Self does have access to all knowledge and nudges you along through your intuition. You also have Helpers who help you and guide you.
Some people become too reliant on their Helpers to the point of using them as a crutch, being unable to make a decision on their own and limiting their own growth in the process. That is my opinion.
We each carry great wisdom and our goal is to use it to benefit others as well as ourselves.
Hello John,
There are some very wise words within your blog. You probably already knew that, so I’ll address the couple of things I would address in the middle of a Toastmasters evaluation sandwich. A very minor one is your use of the word “thought” when I think what you’re describing is intuition. My issue with this is that I’ve found that an intuition may seem like a thought, but they come from very different sources. In describing that, I usually refer to a thought as something created by our conscious mind, rather than a more divine source. Maybe that’s just my terminology.
The other topic I’d mention in the sandwich is that the spiritual world is vast and varied, with all sorts of beings. We can get great wisdom and insight from what I’d refer to as “our higher self,” that inner spiritual part of us that is already calm, content, and wise. There are also a variety of advanced beings, like angels and spirit guides, that can provide valuable information and insight. Often, it’s difficult to know exactly where our intuition or spiritual message came from, but I don’t believe they all come from within us, which is what your blog seems to imply. I definitely think a lot can come from within us.

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