Thursday, October 20, 2016


  1. Abundance: Being Abundant and Living in Abundance is NOT always financial success! Dollars are not always the prosperity that makes you happy. Look at the Billionaires who are insecure and still trying to achieve satisfaction and happiness. I grew up in a wealthy community and most of the inhabitants were so busy making money or guarding their properties that they were anxious and many were driven to alcohol or drug challenges. So Abundance may be better defined as the joy, love and energy which flows through you. (Thank Wenty our “Fairy Godmother”) Friends are often the greatest source wealth and happiness. Sharing your love, finding & working YOUR purpose, and fully living is the blessing of true abundance. “Follow YOUR Bliss” is a quote by Joseph Campbell that bears consideration. Once you find your purpose and your bliss, SHARE it! Teach others. Embrace your role of service. Share the gift of your abundance and it will return to you, many times over.
  2. Judging has been a huge challenge that I struggle with in my pursuit of consciousness. Why do I/we judge other pilgrims? Why do I seek to compare and then separate myself from my Divine partners? In reflection it may be better to view with wonder and curiosity the different approach that the person in front of you may take (to learn their lessons.) Be curious and ask why is that person doing it (or believing it) in the differing way that they are? What is their lesson? More importantly, What is MY lesson in bumping up against this dissonance? There is a reason that this person/challenge has touched my world. Is it here for me to provide a teaching counter-point or am I to examine my specific learning? The perfection of the Divine Spirit stands in front of me in a form that triggers my deeper emotions, so what am I to remember and how can I grow in consciousness?
  3. I am exploring the concept that “thoughts” and words are “lies.” The “Truth” lies in the “Knowing” and the “feelings” of what the Divine Wisdom embraces us with. Oneness, unconditional love, no boundaries of time and space, and connection to the source of all wisdom, Love, can be “known” and felt, but not put into words in a way that does this justice. Words and thoughts can create a framework/structure for human interaction to begin communication. It can create a foundation for sharing which can lead to “Knowing.” We are born into human form to communicate and to remember our Divine Wisdom. How we choose to communicate can be frustrating because very few languages have words for the deepest feelings and the full spectrum of emotions. As an example, how do find words for the flavor of the best sauce you have ever tasted which will convey this to a person who is not there to taste? How do you describe there essence of Divine Grace to someone who has not had a near death experience? The descriptions are shallow and superficial (just as these written words as you read them.) Thank you for your attempt to understand my burgeoning insights.
Each of these topics could be a full blog/article. These are in process and not fully formed. More about these in the future. Please contribute your words and thoughts until we can all find the truth in feelings and the “Knowing” and the “Remembering!”
Blessings to you in our search.
Paula Forget has added these thoughts to consider…  “My thoughts about Knowing are:
Knowing comes as a flash of recognition. (It is not learned.)
It often comes during meditation as an intuitive understanding that is perceived beyond words. It is an indisputable Truth.”
Paula Forget, author of “Guided to the Higher Realms
If you wish to discuss these topics, find more resources, or get support for your own pilgrimage, consider the Masters of the Journey’s website or our Facebook page at Take good care of yourself and find ways to serve other seekers you meet along the way.


Since the 1980’s and the dawning of the “Information Age,” our modern lives have been driven by advancements in technology. Many of these advances have become time saving “necessities” for how we live, work, and play. The “world” has gotten smaller and, through this technology, more “connected,” if only superficially. As I write this blog, I realize that “blogging” and social media have driven even the wisest of spiritual development leaders to find use of the internet to “spread the word.” (They are just meditating in caves, awaiting disciples to show up.)
Looking at the development of technology also requires me to mention the “downsides” to using technologies when certain limitations have been created by our new dependencies upon instant messaging, smart phone “apps,” and photobombs. Relying on smart phones and computers can isolate us from deeper relationships with other humans (in face to face connection) AND even with ourselves. Many people are addicted to checking their smart phones and can ignore the person sitting in front of them. Messaging in 140 characters does not tell the story. Text messaging does not share the tone of voice, the sarcasm, the curled lip, the smile, any warmth of true care and concern. It does save time to use technology and can help us avoid truly exposing our deeper emotions, but this creates very incomplete communication and connection. Many people have lost the skill of conversing and sharing in the most personal and intimate ways.
Remember that for thousands of years our tribe would sit around the campfire and share stories, dreams, and learned wisdoms. The coffee shop or beer pub and our smart phones are poor substitutes for the cross-generational sharing that seems too often lacking in our modern world. The generational isolation of the youth from their elders (or any older persons with wisdom and life experience) is making the social fabric of our modern world rub very thin.
Since we do not sit around the campfires, where do we share our stories, our dreams, our intuitional learnings, and, most importantly, our touching-connections? Where can we find an “App” which embraces us with a heart felt hug or a view of the scenic majesty of glorious nature? Where can we find the grandeur of the sun setting over the ocean? Where can we view the deep blue sky juxtaposed against the rock and glaciers of our highest mountains? Where does technology allow us to feel the raging power of the surf crashing or the thunder of a waterfall? Where can smart phones allow us to feel the connection of a team in sports, or in business, or in a spiritual healing circle?
I am not saying that we should abandon technology but we may need to rethink how it can used to connect us rather than to isolate us. Video conferencing can be used to build relationships and to create supportive master mind groups where people, separated by physical distance or physical limitations, can connect to share time and deeper feelings. Wisdom can be discussed from the experiences of life’s learnings. People may be able to reach out beyond their families or local communities to find kindred spirits who may feel isolated from like minded people. The survivalists and conspiracy folks are already communicating this way but it could be a tool that consciousness seekers can also benefit from when using available technologies to communicate love or inclusion or acceptance.
We need to “connect” in deeper ways with our “tribe” to find the support, rather than the isolation, which is so necessary for negotiating the challenges of this life.
Thanks for taking your time to read and consider these thoughts. Share, if appropriate.
Consider the Masters of the Journey as a possible tribe of caring, supportive people who you connect with as you travel your path. Whether you know it or not, YOU are a masterYOU have much to share from the experiences learned in your life. YOU can serve by being an accepting witness as another pilgrim shares their story. YOU have more value and significance than you might realize! So Blessings to you on your travels…

KNOWING - New Blog from Masters of the Journey!

What happens when you “Know” something but there are no words or rational proof for what you know? In our language we struggle to convey the description of emotions and feelings. We struggle to find words for smells or tastes. Even defining colors can be difficult. Even worse is to take a strong position regarding something that you “know” to be true but can not prove to someone else. People have different opinions about things and so build different factual foundations to assure themselves that they are “right.” This is why “Nationalism” and “religious beliefs” can start wars.
When I was a young college student studying psychology a philosopher challenged me with the statement, “For every Truth, the Opposite (opinion) is equally True.” There are facts, even research, which back up almost any point of view. We are still arguing about whether Global Warming really exists or, even, whether Darwin’s theory on Evolution is more true than the view of Creationism.
We learn from personal experience. Things we read in books or see on TV or spoken of in class or church, are often NOT true until we actually know this through experiencing it. I have learned from personal experience that losing my parents to death by stroke was not nearly as difficult for me as losing my wife (and my chosen partner for 28 years) to Ovarian Cancer. Before my wife passed, I thought I could more easily handle her terminal diagnosis and death because I had gone through the loss of both my Mother and Father. Boy was I wrong! However, the greatest learning I have experienced in my life has come from the coping with my wife’s illness and her death. A Blessing, which I would NOT wish on anyone else! A Blessing which I would not change, even with my pain. Which brings me to the real topic of this Blog Rant.
One year after my wife passed away, I was “Guided” to meet with a psychic/intuitive person on my travels to find a new life on my visit to Tucson, AZ. She “channeled” my wife in a way that I was convinced was true and accurate. (A great story by itself. Gripping.) The psychic told me these words which were coming from my wife, “I am in a better place. It is bigger and better than you could ever imagine.” A jolt of “Knowing” went through me. Not from these simple words but from the intuitive or emotional reaction that went with them. The “Knowing,” which I know I can not find great words to accurately convey my deepest feelings, was that she dwells now in what some people call “Heaven” with the Divine Spirit. She is not constricted by time or space. She is “One” with all souls. She is basking in the warmth and light of “unconditional love.” She is tapped into all wisdom. This moment and these few words changed my life by being able to feel this “knowing.” It felt like it was not a coincidence that I met this psychic in Tucson or received this message. I had been “guided” by my wife to have this encounter and to learn this lesson.
Knowing for me can be a very strong and life changing experience. It is my purpose to share this story and this learning. Maybe it is better said to share this “Remembering” because it felt familiar, as if I was experiencing information that I already knew, at some deeper level. It felt like I was tapping the collective unconscious and this particular experience is not unique to me.
Thank you for spending time with my ranting stream of consciousness. The point is that we all have “knowings” that can not find an easy form to share but are as true as any rational, researched, fact that exists. We are all Masters and have wisdom from life’s experiences within us. We simply need to remember this wisdom and find ways to share it! This is your purpose! This is what YOU are supposed to do in this life.
Blessings to you on your journey. Where possible reach out and take the hand to assist fellow pilgrims along your way. Go out and do GOOD in the world!
The Masters of the Journey is community forming to offer resources and support to everyone who is on their path, whether they know it or not, that they are Masters. Find your way to connect with other pilgrims and share the wisdoms you have been gifted to receive.


Tough topic for many (most) people… Is it easier to blame others than to take responsibility for the challenges that life throws at you? Sure it is! We have been taught to defend our “position” (at any cost.) You are taught to “judge” other people and look for their weaknesses or imperfections so we can pretend to “elevate” ourselves. Winning and competing is valued by our culture. Yet, the way to a better, happier, healthier world is not found in tearing other people down or fixing our “wrong-headedness” in the concrete of our emotional foundations.
Many times, it is better to look at a difficult situation and to learn how and why We Put Ourselves in this situation. It is not a conscious choice BUT there is a lesson we are to learn from, and so, move on our path to consciousness. As an example, 19 years into my marriage with my life partner, my wife, we were confronted with a terminal diagnosis with her ovarian cancer. Initially, I was confused with why (?) and how I was going to support her and to deal with this. I do NOT wish this situation on anyone, however, I would not trade this difficult life experience. There is so much learning that comes from this situation. Since her death in 2012, I have continued to learn and to grow. It is a major reason I am in the position of writing this blog in an act of sharing from the lessons I am continuing to learn.
Why we were “supposed” to endure this challenge is not fully explainable. However, I realize that this experience has huge value in learning my purpose in this life and helps me to be of service, with much greater compassion and resolve. Blaming the doctor who missed the diagnosis was easy and familiar but did not serve me. I am learning that taking responsibility for my role and my learning makes me understand how best to take a seemingly negative life challenge and make this a teaching moment, not just for me, as I continue my path through this life. I never thought that after losing my marriage that I was alone, but I have learned about my relationships with friends and with starting my life over (in many respects) later in this life…
My life AND YOUR life have been filled with challenges and successes which we were meant to have as developmental tools. We can blame other people and situations for the pain we have felt or we can find a way to thank these difficulties for teaching us what have needed to learn. We can take responsibility and NOT live as victims. We can take our learned lessons and find ways to be of service by sharing our stories and the wisdom which we have forced to learn! We can begin to remember that the divine purpose of these trials have been presented to us not just our learning but as a way to raise the consciousness of everyone we come into contact with.
Consider how YOU can learn from the situations where YOU feel like blaming. Consider how you are responsible for  these painful situations through the choices you have chosen to make. AND, take responsibility for the wisdom you have found! Reach around and use this wisdom to assist other pilgrims you meet in this life. Fulfill your purpose to serve the divine.
Though this is difficult to read and to understand, know that you are perfect. You are a master sent to grace this plane of consciousness with your learned wisdom. The world IS a better place because of the role you are here to play. Serve by being a light, a role model of the collected experiences and learnings you have gleaned from this human experience. Thank you for being you! Thank you for surviving and learning from the painful challenges! Blessings on your continued path.
Consider sharing your stories and your wisdom with the community of Masters of the Journey. Or, get involved in this communities events, many listed at

Monday, October 3, 2016


God smiles upon all, as we are the pure essence of life itself.
Be we seemingly simple or complex and multi-faceted expressions, each is gifted with the extraordinary nature of the divine. 
To live our gifts, abilities, inclinations, radiance, nuance, and sparkle, is the purpose of life. 
It glorifies the unlimited forms of divine fragrance.
All carry the Masters’ beauty and power and love.
  • * * *
Each are given the divine map leading to eternal communion with the Great One where we rest.
Walk upon the path of discovery, tasting, savouring in the mystery of your destiny. 
Fill your heart with the immense awe and splendor of the universe.
Rejoice and uncover the secrets within each experience you encounter upon your way. There is no limit to the depths and heights that can be realized. 
  • * * *
You carry magnificence and uniqueness that is indispensable to the whole.
You are a Master among Masters, upon a journey unique to you, driven by your true divine nature to express beauty and love. 
  • * * *
Thank you for sharing the gifts you radiate upon your path, it benefits us all along the way.

Paula Forget, author of “Guided to the Higher Realms
Member of and Content provider for: Masters of the Journey: A Transformational Community

Sunday, October 2, 2016


Have you ever enjoyed the experience of sitting in the warmth and healing light of the our sun? Have you ever experienced beyond the warming of sunlight and feeling the healing and nurturing of your precious  moments of presence while basking in this unconditional energy?
Many of us have found pleasure and enjoyment in sitting in a peaceful environment while soaking up the benefits of these serene moments in our lives. At some point, after your “tank” was filled with this glorious healing energy, have you found yourself wishing to get up and move? To step away from the “recharging station” of mellow and to push back into your life. (I have, with some impatience, which a characteristic I very often have.)
It is September and in the Northern Hemisphere (actually Northwest Washington state.) The days are growing shorter with some Fall coolness is in the air. The sun is gradually finding its way lower in the sky and for some people there is preparation for the darker months of the year. This is not a message about geography or weather patterns. It is a message about the metaphor of Basking in the Light for a “limited” amount of time.
In meditation today, an image of beauty of our lives beyond our human existence popped into consciousness. When unencumbered by our current “meat suit” (our body of this incarnated life,) we find ourselves basking in the light of unconditional love, pure wisdom & consciousness, and surrounded by the timelessness of pure connection with the “Divine Source.” We celebrate the freedom, beauty, and perfection of life without the “lessons” of living incarnated within the challenges of the body. Yet, we will become impatient and turn away from the love, the freedom, and the light to find physical form again… And, WHY?
The lessons I have learned in this life have come readily from the mistakes and the pains of my travails more than from the ease of my successes. I have been strengthened and grown more through my hard times. Perhaps our souls and our divine spirits return to Earthly forms to face the challenges of living in the flesh and, perhaps more importantly, have the opportunity to share experiences, even learned wisdoms, with the  other travelers we meet in our lives. This act of mastery, and service, is our way of growing and helping other souls to grow so we can all benefit in the Divine, together. (Remember, we are all in this together and it does not serve you to allow your fellow pilgrims to wallow in their life lessons, alone.)
So, the image that was shared with me in meditation was of the joy I feel basking in the sunlight until I am recharged and then MY impatience to get back to pursuit of my life’s purpose… which is to serve. My meditation showed me basking in the unconditional love and connection. Taking it all in until I needed to get back into my next incarnation to continue, in an excited way, to pursue my lessons. Deep within me, I strive to eventually be conscious enough to not simply bask in the light, BUT to BE the light!
Does this resonate with the part of you which seeks to “Remember” your connection with the “Source” (the Divine?)
Blessings to you along your path. We have touched paths and connected for a reason. Please go out and find your ways to serve with the wisdom and the mastery you have achieved. You ARE a master, whether you know it or not!
If you seek a supportive community which supports your spiritual growth and development, and offers you the opportunity to “serve” consider, Masters of the Journey or its Facebook page Please take good care of yourself!

Saturday, October 1, 2016


In many spiritual practices, one of the main principles is the belief that we all have the perfection of the Divine Spirit within us. As if we were a hologram of the Divine, we are all a perfect and necessary piece of the much larger spirit of pure consciousness and we are living our lives in the constraints of our current “meat suit” (body) in the effort to “remember” our role in the “greater consciousness.” We all have a purpose which is, in our own unique way, to serve the Divine and assist fellow travelers by helping enhance their process toward enlightenment. We are here to help each other.
So why do we hold grievances toward other people? Why are we often impatient or quick to anger or to judge? Perhaps our “egos” which seek to separate us from other people and judges their actions without the unconditional love and acceptance which our divine spirit celebrates. We are raised by our worldly fear-filled existence to be separate and comparing each individual we meet as we search for their weaknesses, protecting ourselves from attack. When we become more enlightened, we feel the connection and the “oneness” with fellow pilgrims in a way which allows us to accept even the people we disagree with because of their actions or beliefs. Acceptance is often difficult until you realize that these other people are learning their lessons on their path AND that they are actually YOU in a different life (because we are “One” and all in this together.)
Yeah, I do not want to accept, much less love, those people in human form whom I disagree with, sometimes strongly. My lesson is to know that if I hold the grievance toward another, I am only hurting myself (because they are me) and this becomes MY lesson. (A spiritually bruising lesson to not react but to only accept.)
I believe that you are a Master of your Journey! I believe that you are perfect and have the Divine Spirit burning brightly within you. You are here to learn your lessons and use your “Meat suit” to communicate your wisdom with other travelers. You will “remember” your divinity in your time and way. AND, I celebrate this divine perfection which you reflect… Namaste
There are many paths to enlightenment and you will find your way. If you want resources or better still, you want to share with and support other seekers, consider participating in the Masters of the Journey community, or Unity Spiritual Center, or Center for Positive Living, or Course in Miracles study groups, or A Way of Mastery study groups, or…
Blessings to you on your path. We are all in this together… whether we recognize this or not…