Friday, September 30, 2016


  1. Abundance: Being Abundant and Living in Abundance is NOT always financial success! Dollars are not always the prosperity that makes you happy. Look at the Billionaires who are insecure and still trying to achieve satisfaction and happiness. I grew up in a wealthy community and most of the inhabitants were so busy making money or guarding their properties that they were anxious and many were driven to alcohol or drug challenges. So Abundance may be better defined as the joy, love and energy which flows through you. (Thank Wenty our “Fairy Godmother”) Friends are often the greatest source wealth and happiness. Sharing your love, finding & working YOUR purpose, and fully living is the blessing of true abundance. “Follow YOUR Bliss” is a quote by Joseph Campbell that bears consideration. Once you find your purpose and your bliss, SHARE it! Teach others. Embrace your role of service. Share the gift of your abundance and it will return to you, many times over.
  2. Judging has been a huge challenge that I struggle with in my pursuit of consciousness. Why do I/we judge other pilgrims? Why do I seek to compare and then separate myself from my Divine partners? In reflection it may be better to view with wonder and curiosity the different approach that the person in front of you may take (to learn their lessons.) Be curious and ask why is that person doing it (or believing it) in the differing way that they are? What is their lesson? More importantly, What is MY lesson in bumping up against this dissonance? There is a reason that this person/challenge has touched my world. Is it here for me to provide a teaching counter-point or am I to examine my specific learning? The perfection of the Divine Spirit stands in front of me in a form that triggers my deeper emotions, so what am I to remember and how can I grow in consciousness?
  3. I am exploring the concept that “thoughts” and words are “lies.” The “Truth” lies in the “Knowing” and the “feelings” of what the Divine Wisdom embraces us with. Oneness, unconditional love, no boundaries of time and space, and connection to the source of all wisdom, Love, can be “known” and felt, but not put into words in a way that does this justice. Words and thoughts can create a framework/structure for human interaction to begin communication. It can create a foundation for sharing which can lead to “Knowing.” We are born into human form to communicate and to remember our Divine Wisdom. How we choose to communicate can be frustrating because very few languages have words for the deepest feelings and the full spectrum of emotions. As an example, how do find words for the flavor of the best sauce you have ever tasted which will convey this to a person who is not there to taste? How do you describe there essence of Divine Grace to someone who has not had a near death experience? The descriptions are shallow and superficial (just as these written words as you read them.) Thank you for your attempt to understand my burgeoning insights.
Each of these topics could be a full blog/article. These are in process and not fully formed. More about these in the future. Please contribute your words and thoughts until we can all find the truth in feelings and the “Knowing” and the “Remembering!”
Blessings to you in our search.
Paula Forget has added these thoughts to consider…  “My thoughts about Knowing are:
Knowing comes as a flash of recognition. (It is not learned.)
It often comes during meditation as an intuitive understanding that is perceived beyond words. It is an indisputable Truth.”
Paula Forget, author of “Guided to the Higher Realms
If you wish to discuss these topics, find more resources, or get support for your own pilgrimage, consider the Masters of the Journey’s website or our Facebook page at Take good care of yourself and find ways to serve other seekers you meet along the way.


Brother Bob Trask of Bellingham’s Unity Center spoke last Sunday. Several thoughts bear repeating.
Trust that who you are is uniquely needed, special, AND you have a unique purpose!” Yes, YOU have a purpose and a reason for being! Every soul is a piece of the Divine Source and whether you know this or not the seemingly larger Divine Spirit is not whole without YOU! “You are Loved. You are Blessed. You are Safe. You are free.”
EVERY soul that you bump into is there for a purpose and there is a mutual “lesson” that you derive from each encounter. It has been said that we are all connected as souls and the hate or fear you may feel or express for another soul is to hate or fear yourself. So it is better to accept the souls you encounter because you may not know the lessons they are here to learn and the role that you may have in creating higher consciousness.
Namaste is a concept I am only beginning to fully grasp. But everyone you encounter is part of the perfection of the divine. Even if you do not seem to resonate with a person, their spirit has value and the lessons you share are not always easy, but important.
Be well and travel safely the road to your full consciousness. I bless you, Namaste, and salute you and the struggles we share as we seek to remember the perfection and unconditional love of the Divine Source we share.